our story

Enterprise Amadou Coulibaly is an importer and distributor of Food, Cometic, Household and Medical Products. The company is established in 2009 by Mr. Amadou Coulibaly.
We have national leadership in distribution of goods in Mali and neighbouring markets.

Since the launch of Enterprise Amadou Coulibaly in 2009, we have worked steadfastly with our team and partners to improve our products and services in such a way that it fosters our sales and economic growth in Mali, as it is one of the developing countries in Africa.

Our company has a goal of providing new and high quality products to our markets and consequentially, improving individual and national lifestyle by generating employment opportunities.

We are targeted towards having a big part of the development in our continent.

Our pillars

Our three fundamental values, guide and reflect on our mode of operation of both our management and team members:

EFFECTIVENESS generates results. Enterprise Amadou Coulibaly is an efficient company in decision making, planning and implementation. We are productive and are successful in what we do.

INITIATIVE contributes to the growth of our organization. At Enterprise Amadou Coulibaly, we are open to ideas from all team members. It is an environment where minds are developed to be more resourceful and together, we continually improve on our overall performance and expertise.

TEAMWORK is essential for success. With the right support system, understanding and known goals, we work together as a team to bring about effectiveness and efficiency.

our vision

Our vision is to become the Malian leader in the distribution sector while contributing to the national and continental development. 

We are proudly willing to become the most important distribution center & network in Western & Central Africa. We plan to reach greater heights with grounds already covered and successively expand our distribution network and services.

We believe the world is one land divided by water. With this mindset, we plan to use this notion to learn, grow and expand our platform by welcoming new suppliers- both local and international, to work with us. In this vision, we see great trade relationship with different companies, a satisfied customer, a better Mali and a better Africa.

We also work to inspire other companies to aim their goals higher for an improved trading system inside Africa.

Mali is a developing country and because of this, we see it as a good opportunity to invest in trade and grow with her. The land is green and we intend to capitalize on the opportunities.

We would like to be among the first distribution companies to satisfy Mali’s needs and to help foster trade unions between the local Malian community of traders and other African trading communities.

our mission

Our primary mission is to provide our customers with products of high quality at the best possible prices while contributing greatly to our continental development.

Despite the fact that Mali is a growing, developing country and also that there has been an increment in the minimum wage, Mali and most African countries are still not in the leisure line yet.

Our goal here is to provide goods at affordable prices yet of good quality, so that they can be afforded by most of the people, regardless of social class or standing. When we think of our mission, we like to state it as thinking of majority, rather than minority.

To achieve our mission, we are in constant search of new partners and brands to enrich our product portfolio. We aspire to form and keep good working relationships with all our partners- current and future, likewise.

Enterprise Amadou Coulibaly is eagerly working for developing its distribution network to expand its presence and strengthen its position on the African market. We intend to put our name on the map!

Apart from questionnaires and feedback boxes (mostly in our supermarket), we have a team of specialists committed to ‘field work’. This way, we pay personal visits to our customers in order to observe and understand their needs by giving them the direct opportunity to speak out on their concerns, market needs, suggestions, as well as consumers’ feedback. By doing this, we are directly in touch with our market and its needs.


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